



The development of regions contributes to the development of the entire country in general. In addition, the country's development level will affect individual regions. To develop the right regional strategies, it is essential to consider the national development strategy. It is equally important to understand the specifics of the area, its strengths and weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Therefore, the article intends to propose strategies based on which the regions can develop, based on the potential of the areas and components of the potential, which are the most designed and constitute strengths and generate opportunities. The basis of the study was a systematic review and meta-analysis. During the research, the author focused on studying the approaches of domestic and foreign scientists to measure the region's potential, determining its components and evaluation indicators. The analysis showed that the authors' methods for potential details differ somewhat. At the same time, some elements are found in most of the analyzed works. The same applies to evaluation indicators. Most often, attention is focused on the economic and social components, thus combining the efficiency of conducting activities in the region and the convenience and availability of residential advantages for the population. In general, the systematization of the research results made identifying eight components of the regions' potential possible, which are worth paying attention to. They include 1) production and technological component (efficiency of production activity), human component (activity and diversity of the population), innovation component (opportunity to generate and implement new ideas), logistics component (infrastructural facilities), natural resource component (wealth natural resources and their usefulness), the tourist component (the interest of the region for visiting), the social component (the convenience of living in the area) and the investment and financial component (sufficiency of own financial resources and interest for investing). Accordingly, the author formed six regional development strategies: industry development strategy, infrastructure-oriented strategy, tourism development strategy, skills development strategy, institutional strategy, and integrated regional development strategy. Each can be used independently and in combination with others, creating a unique combination.


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How to Cite

Syhyda, L., & Shtyka, Y. (2023). FEATURES OF THE REGIONAL STRATEGIES DEVELOPMENT DEPENDING ON THE REGIONS’ POTENTIAL. Український економічний часопис, (1), 70–74. https://doi.org/10.32782/2786-8273/2023-1-13