public administration, migration policy, state policy, migration, mechanisms of public administrationAbstract
Introduction. In the modern world, the state migration policy is one of the most important components of the socio-economic development of countries. Growing migration and population movement make this topic extremely relevant, requiring new approaches and strategies in its implementation and improvement. Formulation of the problem. The stability, efficiency and flexibility of public migration policies are critical to ensure a balance between the needs of the country and the rights of migrants. However, modeling these processes remains a challenging task due to the variety of factors that influence migration and the constant changes in the geopolitical and economic environment. The purpose of the article is to develop and implement a complex mathematical model that would allow to effectively forecast and optimize the implementation of mechanisms of the state migration policy, considering various economic, demographic, political and socio-cultural factors. Object and subject of research. The object of the study is the state migration policy, and the subject of the study is the process of its implementation and its impact on society and the country's economy. Methods. The research is based on an integrated approach, including the analysis of statistical data, modeling based on mathematical and statistical methods, interviews with experts and surveys of migrants. Special attention is paid to the application of machine learning to predict and optimize migration flows. Results. During the study, a model for forecasting migration flows based on data on the economic and social situation was developed and implemented. Key factors influencing the choice of a country for migration were also identified and recommendations were developed to increase the country's attractiveness for potential migrants. Conclusion. The study confirms the importance of using analytical and modeling approaches in solving the tasks of state migration policy. Based on the obtained results, it is recommended to improve the attractiveness strategies of the country for migrants, ensuring greater efficiency and sustainability of the policy on migration issues to achieve harmony between the needs of the country and the interests of migrants.
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