household, financial behavior, consumer behavior of households, financial services market, digitizationAbstract
Introduction. The consequences of the digitalization of economic relations are especially clearly felt in the field of financial services, where financial institutions are trying to make the most of the potential of these technologies and improve the quality of the services they provide. However, modern digital technologies affect the behavior of financial market entities in different ways. Today, digital technologies have occupied one of the most important niches in the development of the economy and the entire financial sphere of any developed country. On the one hand, this, of course, leads to the improvement of financial processes, the appearance of new opportunities for financial activity under the conditions of maintaining the quality of service of business entities and increasing achievements, and on the other hand, it can cause the occurrence of unforeseen events that can negatively affect the activities of entities management due to the emergence of risks and dangers in financial behavior. Therefore, there is a need to research questions regarding possible scenarios of financial behavior of market subjects, in particular, households, in conditions of digitalization and finding ways to prevent threats that may arise in the process of using digitalization tools in financial activities. The purpose of the article is analysis of opportunities and risks arising under the influence of digitalization on the financial behavior of households and the search for possible ways to prevent threats related to the use of modern digital technologies by households in the financial services market. Results and Conclusion. The advantages and new opportunities that households receive under the influence of digital technologies and that affect their financial behavior are outlined. The threats and risks that haunt the financial activities of the household as a result of the influence of digital technologies on the market of financial services are identified and summarized. Special attention in the article is devoted to the analysis of the impact of the digital economy on the change in the consumer behavior of households. Ways to prevent possible threats and risks that households receive from the use of modern innovative information technologies are proposed.
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