strategy, regional development, agriculture, territorial communities, economyAbstract
Introduction. The list of measures taken in Ukraine in 2014-2021 to implement decentralization and the new state regional policy contributed to the balanced development of Ukrainian territorial communities and regions, and created thousands of horizontal links between them. However, despite this, no effective tools were developed to coordinate the sectoral policies of ministries in the regions where the implementation of the State Strategy for Regional Development and regional development strategies had too limited financial resources. The purpose of the article is to identify the priority areas of strategic financial and economic regional development of agriculture to provide local consumers with quality and affordable products in wartime and post-war. Methods. To achieve this goal, the article uses the following methods: the interrelation of analysis, accounting, information array and statistics. The economic analysis reflects the value assessment of the financial and economic agricultural sector, a process approach to the choice of analysis methodology and is comprehensive in nature. The information base of the study is based on data from analytical publications and expert opinions of specialists in various fields. Results. The strategic directions of development of innovation processes in the current economic conditions of agrarian regions of Ukraine are: improvement of the demographic situation in rural areas; overcoming social discrimination of the population and producers in rural areas; reducing the level of unemployment in rural areas, increasing employment; creation of new jobs; expanding the network of consulting services to provide legal, economic and technological advice to farmers; increasing the investment attractiveness of rural areas. Conclusions. The agricultural sector of the economy should operate on a new organizational, economic and technological basis, have an integral production and technological system of functionally interconnected enterprises, industries and spheres united by a common ultimate goal - to provide the population with food in the required volumes and at affordable prices. The basis for shaping the prospects for the existence of the Ukrainian village should be the optimization of priority areas of balanced development of rural areas in the context of further reform of the agrarian economy.
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