


product quality, , statistical analysis, competitiveness, popcorn, test Grubbs


Introduction. Any production activity aims to achieve financial results and expand its activities to increase the volume of manufactured products. One of the most straightforward and often used approaches is an attempt to increase sales of ones products thanks to promotional products, which intensify production. However, it is a mistake to believe that with an increase in the number of products in the warehouse, its implementation will increase because the expansion of the geography of its implementation will lead to an increase in the pressure of competitors on the market. The product should be at least not at a higher price, but definitely of better quality to expand new markets. If ready-made technical solutions can solve the implementation of the first aspect, then the other - "product quality" must first be defined and described by the manufacturer, and only then steps to improve it developed. The articles purpose is to select quantitative product indicators, using the example of popcorn, to control its quality. Methods. In the process of research, a set of general scientific and unique methods was used for the validity of the provisions given in the article, in particular, historical and logical - in the study of theoretical definitions of the concepts of "quality" and "product quality"; laboratory methods - for measuring the diameter, mass and bulk density of popcorn flakes; statistical methods - for evaluating the obtained results and calculating the necessary ratios, integral indicators and intervals; analysis and synthesis - to compare the main approaches to the interpretation of research results; abstract-logical - for theoretical generalization and formulation of conclusions. The results. The study empirically confirmed the effectiveness of the "Critical to Quality Trees (CTQ)" methodology for building an input quality control algorithm for popcorn flakes with caramel and caramel and cocoa, while the quantitative characteristics of the product were highlighted on a level basis: weight, diameter, surface area, volume, sphericity index, proper density, bulk density, "product porosity" and "caramel distribution index". A statistical analysis of primary results and calculation of their ratios was carried out. It was established that the diameter and mass of popcorn play an essential role in the quality of this product and determine such indicators as accurate and bulk density, which will have a meaningful impact on the packaging of flakes and the appearance of consumer packaging. To evaluate the quality of the product, the authors proposed the "caramel distribution index", which allows the evaluation of the possible impact of the product on the general organoleptic evaluation of the consumer and, accordingly, the satisfaction of his expectations. In addition to the general assessment of product quality, an attempt was made to calculate a statistically reliable interval of "limit permissible values" of primary product parameters. For this, the reverse calculation of the Grubbs test for n = 100 was used. While this approach was successful for the indicator of popcorn diameter, for the mass of flakes, the obtained data are not acceptable for a production laboratory due to the significant value of the standard deviation of this indicator. Therefore, it is probably necessary to approximate available data and equate σ to the expression of the confidence interval. Conclusions. The conducted research allows us to characterize the role of laboratory control of individual parameters of the ingredient to ensure the stability of the quality of finished products. In addition, the publication offered by us draws attention to the need for constant updating and optimization of product control and the maximum increase in the quantitative measurements of parameters, ensuring the simplification of the interpretation of the obtained results. Therefore, it is essential to ensure the development of separate integral indicators of product quality, which will simultaneously provide an assessment of both physical parameters and organoleptic characteristics.


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