project management, tourism, investment policy, economic crisis, investment risks, Russian-Ukrainian warAbstract
Introduction. The article substantiates the relevance of the issue of determining approaches, tools and sources of post-war reconstruction of Ukraine. Socio-economic revival should become the largest project of modernization of the national economy and reconstruction of destroyed infrastructural facilities, which involves attracting financial resources, substantiating the parameters of investment projects. Under such conditions, in addition to the agro-industrial complex, metallurgy, the processing industry and the IT sector, Ukraine has significant potential in the field of tourism. In the conditions of transformational changes in the environment, the survival of the tourism sphere requires the formation of effective management of projects in tourism in war conditions. Purpose. The purpose of the study is to analyse the theoretical and practical aspects of the implementation of the project management system in tourism in the context of adaptation to new challenges. Methods. The following methods are used to fulfill the tasks set in the article: systematic analysis, comparison and grouping of data – when clarifying the conceptual apparatus, researching approaches to the formation and peculiarities of project management in tourism; methods of comparative, statistical, strategic, spatial analysis – when substantiating modern conditions of project management in tourism, determining organizational and economic support for the development of tourism in Ukraine in wartime conditions. Results. The conducted studies substantiated the need to use the features of project management in tourism in order to obtain a socio-economic synergistic effect, which will be manifested in the successful completion of the project. In the future, further research is to develop an effective and comprehensive mechanism for the implementation of the project management system in tourism and control over the quality of the provision of tourist services, taking into account the innovative features of the methodology. Conclusion. It i s substantiated that the restoration of tourism as a branch of the national economy in the conditions of post-war reconstruction requires coordination of activities with regard to the natural, socio-cultural, ecological-economic and information-technological possibilities of a certain region for the effective initiation of projects.
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