
  • Pavlo Fisunenko Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
  • Ivan Legostaev Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture




development project, management, interested parties, methods, tools, methodical approach


Introduction. The article is devoted to the study and improvement of the approach to managing the involvement of stakeholders in the creation and implementation of development projects. Development projects have been found to be particularly complex, covering the pre-project stage, design stage, construction, commissioning, management of the finished facility, including its implementation and real estate maintenance. Purpose. It is substantiated that the circle of stakeholders is extremely wide, which requires increased attention to the management of their involvement. The existing methods and tools that are used in the course of managing the involvement of interested parties have been studied. They were divided into general, project management methods, stakeholder identification and analysis methods, and communicative management methods. Results. The connections between various groups of methods and tools for managing the involvement of interested parties in development projects are considered. It is established that such connections may have the nature of conditioning, combination, integration or coordination. The stakeholder involvement management toolkit is presented, which is accordingly grouped into an orientation block and a communication block. A methodical approach to managing the involvement of interested parties in development projects has been developed. The components of this methodical approach are considered, namely: the goal, task, methodical toolkit, the cycle of managing the involvement of interested parties in the development project and its results. It has been proven that thanks to the skillful balancing of the interests of the public sector both in the process of managing the involvement of the public sector in the development project and within the cycle of obtaining the results of managing the participation of the public sector in the development project, it becomes possible to increase the overall efficiency of the development project. Conclusion. It has been established that the systematization of management methods and tools, their arrangement will allow to improve the involvement of interested parties with the maximum possible efficiency.


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How to Cite

Fisunenko, P., & Legostaev, I. (2023). A METHODICAL APPROACH TO THE STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT MANAGEMENT IN DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS. Український економічний часопис, (2), 88–93. https://doi.org/10.32782/2786-8273/2023-2-16