


income, income classification features, trade enterprise, sale of goods


Introduction: Regardless of the type of activity, industry or form of ownership, income for the enterprise is of key importance. Today, trading enterprises operate in conditions of fierce competition, therefore, in order to obtain income and maintain existing positions in the market, it is necessary to make maximum efforts. In addition, no matter what stage of development the company is at, the management will always be interested in information about incurred expenses and received income. Purpose: The purpose is to generalize the essence of the economic category "income", determine their role in the accounting system and provide recommendations on optimizing the classification features of income, which will provide the trading company with the necessary analytical information for making management decisions. Methods: analysis, comparison. Results: This article examines various approaches to determining the economic essence of income. The main stages of the development of knowledge about income are considered, based on their historical development, and the current state is investigated. Different approaches to determining income classification features were analyzed and additional classification features were proposed. Conclusion: As a result of the study, it was proposed to consider income as an increase in economic benefits due to the receipt of assets and/or an increase in their value and a decrease in liabilities, which lead to an increase in equity (with the exception of participants' contributions) due to the implementation of a certain type of activity and obtained competitive advantages as a result of making effective management decisions. Also, for the purpose of forming high-quality analytical information, which is necessary for management and organization of accounting processes at the enterprise, drawing up reports on income from the sale of goods (providing services) and for forecasting and making appropriate management decisions, it is proposed to single out additional classification features. In particular, it is proposed to consider income from the sale of goods (works, services) in terms of forms of payment for sold goods, dividing into income received in cash and non-cash payments, as well as according to the method of managing the sale of goods, allocating income from the sale of goods in sale period, income from the sale of promotional goods, income from the sale of gift certificates and income from the sale of goods using discount cards. In addition, it is proposed to separate the income that was received from the sale of products via the Internet or from sales in a stationary store. And to classify the income according to the types of sale – on credit, in installments and under the contract of commission (consignment). We also offer to distribute income from the sale of products according to seasonality and new products: income from the sale of seasonal goods, income from the sale of non-seasonal goods, income from goods manufactured in the reporting year and last year, and income from the sale of goods manufactured in the past and reporting periods.


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