


urban public transport, transport systems, smart traffic lights, smart corridors, simulation modeling


Introduction. The constant complication of real economic systems (the transport systems of Ukrainian cities are no exception) requires constant improvement of the analysis of their possible behavior in the process of development. IT programs VISSIM for micro-modeling VISUM – for macro-modeling are used for transport planning and modeling of the behavior of traffic flows on highways, as well as for calculation of CO2 emissions. Their economic efficiency is proven in this article. Purpose. The more general purpose of the article is to provide evidence of the economic advantages of applying the methods of simulation modeling of economic systems at the stage before the start of design and construction. Methods. Analysis, synthesis, comparison, systematic approach, methods of logical generalization, method of analogies, methods of simulation modeling, economic and mathematical methods, etc. Results. The article proves that the main directions and principles regarding the prospects for the development of transport systems of Ukrainian cities in the context of the creation of smart traffic light objects, which have as their ultimate goal the creation of smart corridors, which, in turn, should minimize traffic jams on highways and bring order to organization of traffic, is the use of simulation tools, in particular IT programs VISSIM and VISUM. The economic efficiency of creating smart corridors is proved and the factors due to which it is achieved are considered. Attention is paid to the social effect of the implementation of these measures and the incalculable economic effects. It has been proven that it is necessary to reduce the inflow of motor vehicles into cities and measures to curb them have been considered. Therefore, successful traffic management is an example of innovation in the field of passenger transportation and is fully consistent with global trends in the development of urban public transport. The post-war recovery and further development of the transport systems of Ukrainian cities must adhere to the principles set out in particular in this article.


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