


financial security, threat, risk, system, enterprise


The high turbulence of the external and internal environment, as well as the existing threats and risks that have an impact on the stability of the functioning of enterprises, together with the emergence of new factors, encourage enterprises to search for more effective tools and mechanisms to increase the level of their own financial security. The purpose of the article is the analysis of existing approaches to the definition of "financial security" and the study of the main tasks facing the company's financial security system. Methods. Abstract methods are used in the article - for the sake of theoretical generalizations and research conclusions, as well as analysis and synthesis - during the systematization of scientific approaches and the identification of the essential characteristics of the financial security of the enterprise. Results. The article analyzes and structures theoretical approaches related to the category "financial security of the enterprise". The main aspects of the theoretical study of the financial security of the enterprise and their essential features are considered. His own vision regarding the definition of "financial security" is proposed, under which the author understands a system of measures and tools aimed at ensuring the financial interests of the enterprise and the growth of its market value, timely identification and leveling of risks to protect against potential threats. Scientific approaches to the definition of "financial security of the enterprise" that were reflected in the works of domestic scientists are systematized. As a result, the essential characteristics of this concept were identified, which included: reduced possibility of misuse of financial resources; a component of economic security of the enterprise; a state that ensures protection of financial interests from real and potential threats and characterizes financial balance, stability, solvency and liquidity; the ability to effectively and stably carry out its activities or to effectively use the enterprise's potential and resources; the enterprise's ability to independently develop and implement a financial strategy; a system of balanced development at the enterprise; risk management activities of the enterprise. Conclusion. The need and expediency of implementing a financial security system at the enterprise as an effective tool to ensure its stability and stable functioning is argued. The practical significance of the article lies in the use of theoretical generalizations and conclusions to build a structurally coherent understanding of the mechanism of financial security at the enterprise.


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How to Cite

Karbivskiy, V. (2024). MODERN APPROACHES TO THE DEFINITION OF "FINANCIAL SECURITY ENTERPRISES". Український економічний часопис, (3), 53–57.