
  • Sofiia Podyk National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine



financial mechanism, financial support, financial management, agricultural sector, enterprise


The article examines the principles, functions and elements of the functioning of the financial mechanism of enterprises in the agrarian sector based on the scientific visions of various authors. Introduction. The domestic agricultural sector is characterized by a high degree of risk, which makes it difficult to effectively solve the problems of the functioning of this industry. Dependence on internal factors in the industry, rapid wear and tear of fixed assets and low investment activity due to certain reasons lead to the uncompetitiveness of enterprises both on the domestic and foreign markets. This creates problems in the financing of the agricultural sector and limits the possibilities of introducing innovations and modernizing production due to a lack of own financial resources. The general interaction of these factors leads to a decrease in the creditworthiness and investment attractiveness of enterprises in the agrarian sector of the country's economy. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the principles, functions and peculiarities of the functioning of the financial mechanism of enterprises in the agrarian sector of the economy of Ukraine. Research methods. The study uses the methods of analysis, synthesis, scientific generalization, and a systematic approach. Conclusion. It was established that the financial mechanism is a structural element of the economic mechanism that ensures self-sufficiency and self-financing of agricultural enterprises. The effectiveness of the financial mechanism consists in reflecting such a financial model of the process of reproduction in the agricultural sector, which contributes to the provision of reliable sources of investment and the creation of financial reserves of agricultural producers to fulfill their financial and credit obligations. The basic features of the financial mechanism of enterprises in the agricultural sector are determined, which are also determined by the specifics of the market mechanism in the industry. It is noted that the basic element that forms the financial mechanism of agricultural enterprises is financial management, which functions at short-term and long-term levels.


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