


financial support, social sphere, state financing, non-state pension funds, social responsibility of business


Introduction. In the conditions of negative changes in the socio-economic environment, the stability and development of society are closely related to the effectiveness of the functioning of the social sphere and its high level of adaptability to the challenges of time. The purpose of the article is to study the state of financial support, state and non-state sources of financing of the social sphere, substantiation of approaches to improving the financial support of the social sphere. Methods: The analysis of literary sources, generalization, comparison, analysis of statistical data, synthesis. Results. The peculiarities of the state financial provision of the social sphere have been clarified. The trends of state financing of the social sphere in 2019-2022 were analyzed, it was determined that the decrease in the share of expenditures on the social sphere in 2022 is connected with the redistribution of budgetary resources to the sphere of defense. Such a reduction in financing of social activities is not possible without worsening the quality of life and social security of citizens. It has been proven that a necessary element of the financial support system is the attraction of funds from the private sector, which will allow expanding resources for the implementation of social programs. The financing of non-state pension provision is analyzed. It was found that there is a positive trend in the growth of pension payments. It is substantiated that the medical reform in Ukraine led to significant changes in the financial provision of health care. Increasing the autonomy of medical institutions allows to expand sources of funding through the support of international organizations, local targeted programs, grants, equipment leasing, funds of individuals and public-private partnerships. It has been proven that the social responsibility of business has a positive effect on the financing of the social sphere. Conclusion. On the basis of the conducted research, the main approaches to improving the financial support of the social sphere are substantiated: promoting the development of self-financing, expanding sources of financing through non-traditional forms, expanding social protection tools.


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How to Cite

Sereda, O. (2024). ANALYSIS OF FINANCIAL SUPPORT OF THE SOCIAL SPHERE IN UKRAINE. Український економічний часопис, (3), 94–98.