


management, anti-crisis management, business processes, information technologies, modelling


Introduction. In modern economic conditions, with many risks and threats, enterprises should use the latest innovative technologies to ensure their sustainable functioning. Of course, to guarantee quick adaptation, management personnel should pay attention to forming an anti-crisis management system, which can quickly respond to changes in the external and internal environment, to neutralize its negative impact. Purpose. The purpose of the article is to analyze the possibilities of using information technologies in building an anti-crisis management model on the example of the food industry enterprise LLC “Dominik Co”. Methods. The authors used the methods of systematization, analysis, and synthesis to generalize the existing information on the use of information technologies to improve the enterprise’s business processes. During the study, the authors used a modelling method to predict changes in the company’s anti-crisis management system when introducing modern information technologies. Results. In the article, the authors proposed a system for modelling business processes at the enterprise as an element of building an effective anti-crisis management system and also revealed that the use of BPMN systems can be recommended to enterprise management to improve its work. The analysis of the toolkit for describing and modelling business processes at LLC “Dominik Co” allowed to propose the use of the ARIS functional modelling method for modelling business processes in anti-crisis management, which is aimed at increasing the flexibility of business processes, and can also be used in reengineering. In the article was proposed a model for the business process optimization at the enterprise using the ARIS functional modelling method, as well as a simulation of the business process of LLC “Dominik Co” anti-crisis management using Bizagi and BPM. Conclusion. The formation of the LLC “Dominik Co” anti-crisis management involves the creation of a model that will allow to determine how the enterprise works as a whole, how the interaction with the external environment takes place, as well as how the activities of each of the business processes are organized. Building a business process model of anti-crisis management is an effective means of finding ways to ensure sustainable functioning, a means of forecasting and minimizing risks arising at various stages of the company’s life cycle. Implementation of the proposed measures will allow optimizing business processes at the enterprise and developing an effective anti-crisis management system.


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How to Cite

Chaikina, A., & Perederii, Y. (2024). APPLYING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES IN BUILDING AN ANTI-CRISIS MANAGEMENT MODEL AT THE ENTERPRISE. Український економічний часопис, (3), 112–117.