digital transformation of business, strategic management, corporate management, innovation management, digital technologies, digitization, information technologiesAbstract
Introduction. New digital technologies enable more effective strategic planning and decision-making, contribute to the automation and optimization of corporate management processes. However, the impact of digital business transformation on corporate governance mechanisms through the introduction of digital technologies (ecosystem and blockchain models) requires further research and wider coverage. The purpose of the article is to analyze the manifestations of digitalization; disclosure of the main digital technologies that are used to manage enterprises and affect the digital transformation of business; study of the mechanism of the influence of digitalization on the peculiarities of corporate management. Methods. Fundamental concepts presented in the publications of scientists on digitalization issues were used as the methodological basis for the study. Such scientific methods and techniques as analysis, synthesis, deduction and induction, and the system-structural method were used. Results. Digitization is the introduction of transformative digital technologies to transform the company's internal processes. Blockchain creates systems where users interact without the need for a central authority, which reduces costs and increases the speed and accuracy of transactions – both within the firm and with external stakeholders. This makes management mechanisms: more efficient and transparent, with an increased level of protection against abuse; suitable for automation. Ecosystems that create a conditionally free environment differ from traditional business models in the process of generating value. Platforms are transparent and open, which positively affects the level of trust. Conclusions. The use of digital technologies in corporate management allows for balance and protection of the rights and interests of all participants in corporate relations, increases the efficiency and transparency of the corporation's activities, and also ensures high competitiveness. The implementation of the digital strategy requires the appropriate quality of personnel (leaders and experts in digital technologies), ready for innovations, new construction of business processes, and changes in the corporate culture of management. Digital technologies must correspond to the achievement of the company's strategic goal.
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