



economic security, agribusiness, armed aggression, risks, threats


Introduction. The economic security of agribusiness in the conditions of war becomes especially important since the agricultural sector is a key industry for ensuring food security and economic development of the country. In wartime, agribusiness faces numerous challenges and threats, and its economic security requires specific strategies and measures. The issue of ensuring the economic security of agribusiness is more relevant than ever. Purpose. The purpose of the article is to assess the state and determine directions for ensuring the economic security of agribusiness according to three profiles: resource-production, financial and logistical components. Methods. To achieve the goal, general scientific methods of cognition were applied, including generalization, induction, deduction, comparison, analysis and synthesis. Results. The overall effectiveness of agribusiness in a period of military conflict is determined by its readiness to respond quickly to changes in production chains, maintain resilience and develop new strategies in conditions of uncertainty and uncertainty to ensure the need for products and food security. Ensuring the financial component of economic security in conditions of armed aggression requires not only strategic thinking, but also flexibility in solving emerging challenges. Only a comprehensive and well-thought-out approach will ensure stability and recovery in emergency situations. To successfully ensure the economic security of the logistics supply chains of agricultural products in the conditions of a military conflict, it is necessary to use a comprehensive approach, which includes measures to ensure the stability and security of logistics systems. Conclusion. In the conditions of armed aggression, the economic security of agribusiness becomes a subject of serious challenges. The increase in the cost of material and technical resources, a forced change in crop rotation, a shortage of labor and other threats requires a balanced and strategic approach to risk management from agricultural enterprises. Implementation of effective measures such as diversification of suppliers, use of financial instruments to protect against exchange rate fluctuations and active study of tax legislation are key elements of the strategy. However, the development of adaptive crop rotations, measures to maintain liquidity and maximize working capital, as well as the introduction of technological innovations can significantly ease the pressure on agribusiness in conditions of uncertainty.


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How to Cite

Okhrimenko, I. (2024). ENSURING THE ECONOMIC SECURITY OF AGRIBUSINESS IN CONDITIONS OF ARMED AGGRESSION. Український економічний часопис, (4), 35–39. https://doi.org/10.32782/2786-8273/2024-4-7