railway transportation, development, uncertainty, investment opportunities, strategyAbstract
The large-scale Russian invasion on February 24, 2022, inflicted massive damage to the Ukrainian economy, destroying numerous large industrial enterprises and causing many small and medium-sized businesses to relocate or permanently close. In the conditions of the mobilization economy, the railway has become one of the most important branches of the transport infrastructure, which requires great efforts to provide high-quality, efficient and paid services. Introduction. Due to their importance, railway companies currently experience an acute lack of financial resources and have limited investment opportunities not only to ensure long-term strategic development, but also to cover current costs, therefore it is worth analyzing the theoretical foundations of the development of railway transport enterprises in the conditions of the modern economy in order to systematize factors. Influence on this type of activity, that in the future it is possible to choose promising directions of development, as well as some sources of investment support for their achievement. Purpose. This article aims to analyze the theoretical foundations of enterprise development in the railway transport sector within the context of mobilization economics. It explores the significance of strategic railway enterprises in sustaining the economy, fulfilling budgetary requirements, and addressing the challenges faced by the nation. Methods. The study involves an examination of recent research and publications concerning economic development and the railway transport sector in Ukraine. It synthesizes the contributions of Ukrainian scholars who have investigated investment sources, diversification strategies, innovation-investment principles, and models for strategic management in railway enterprise development. Results. The analysis underscores the importance of further research into the theoretical underpinnings of enterprise development in the railway transport sector amidst mobilization economics. It identifies potential directions for development and potential sources of investment to overcome financial constraints and promote sustainable growth. Conclusion. Development of railway transport in Ukraine is an important component of the country's economic growth. In the conditions of the large-scale war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, the efficiency of the functioning of the transport system depends to a large extent on: active and effective modernization of railway infrastructure, development of high-speed railway transport, improved logistics and logistics networks, implementation of environmental projects, digitization and digital transformation of Ukrainian railways, development of international communication, involvement private sector, development of intermodal transportation, development of passenger rail transport, ensuring safety and quality of service, etc.
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