financial and economic security, digital economy and society, management, regulation, banking and financial sphere, electronic payment systems (EPS), online payment, bank cards, online accounts, electronic wallets, risks, threats, new economy, financial and economic security of electronic payment systems, criminal and financial risksAbstract
Introduction. The article reveals the scientific principles, features of management and regulation of financial and economic security in the conditions of the digital economy and society. The purpose. It was determined that financial and economic security is one of the main components of the state's national security, has an economic impact on the national security system, and counteracts threats. The peculiarities of the functioning of electronic payment systems are disclosed, the characteristics of the electronic payment system as an object of financial and economic security are given. It has been proven that the reliability and ease of use of electronic payment systems are an indisputable part of the country's modern economy and ensure its efficiency. Continuous use of digital technologies and technological innovations leads to continuous improvement and updating of such systems. Bank cards, online accounts, electronic wallets and other elements of electronic payments are being successfully implemented in the economic life of economic entities and the population. At the same time, the activities of fraudsters are intensifying, more and more sophisticated methods of cybercrime are being developed. Conclusion. The classification of financial risks that arise when working with electronic payment systems is characterized, and it is proposed to add a group of criminal-financial risks arising under the influence of threats that reduce the efficiency of these systems. Threats of electronic payment systems are identified. The definition of financial and economic security of electronic payment systems is provided.
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