united territorial communities, post-war development, recovery, innovative provision, development of communities and territoriesAbstract
Introduction. Innovative support for the post-war development of united territorial communities is a key task for creating a stable, prosperous and modern socio-economic community model in Ukraine. In connection with the rapid development of technologies, economic and social challenges, it is important to implement innovative approaches to achieve the goals of sustainable development and improve the quality of life of citizens. This means that united territorial communities must actively implement innovative solutions in all spheres of their functioning, starting from infrastructure development and ending with increasing the level of social protection of the population. Digital technologies play an important role in this process. The introduction of electronic management systems, the digitalization of administrative services and the creation of "smart" cities can greatly facilitate the lives of citizens, ensuring more efficient use of resources and optimization of budget expenditures. Purpose. The purpose of the article is to identify the key areas of innovative support for the development of united territorial communities and the formation of a plan for the implementation of these areas with the definition of their vision, strategic goals, tasks and expected results. Methods. During the formation of these proposals, such methods as generalization, critical thinking, analysis and synthesis, etc. were used. Results. Implementation of innovative strategies for the development of united territorial communities in the post-war period is a critically important task facing society and authorities. However, this process is associated with numerous challenges and barriers that need to be overcome. Financial constraints, insufficient technical infrastructure, as well as uncertainty about technological aspects can make it difficult to implement plans. Insufficient support from the authorities, political and administrative obstacles, as well as socio-cultural barriers can hinder the adoption and implementation of innovations. An unstable political and economic situation can create additional difficulties for the development and implementation of strategies. However, despite these challenges, the potential for innovative development of united territorial communities is enormous. Innovations can contribute to improving the quality of life of citizens, ensuring sustainable economic growth and strengthening social justice. Conclusion. To achieve success, it is necessary to develop a targeted strategy that will consider all aspects of community development. It is important to involve all social and economic actors in the process, including authorities, businesses, public organizations and residents. In addition, it is necessary to actively seek sources of funding and develop partnerships with other organizations and international partners. It is also important to provide support and training for local staff so that they can effectively implement innovative projects. The general goal of innovative development is the creation of a modern, sustainable and progressive society, where every citizen has equal access to opportunities and means for self-realization.
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