innovative development, financing, financial support, innovation index, innovation processAbstract
Introduction The development of the financial sector in Ukraine is leading to the transformation of all components of the financial market, including the market for financial services. In this context, the role of financial intermediaries, in particular non-bank financial institutions, which respond to the needs of economic entities by providing a variety of specialised financial services, is being redefined. This leads to an increase in the competitive potential of specific non-bank financial institutions covering a wide range of consumers at different levels of economic activity. The article aims to reveal the peculiarities of financial instruments of non-banking institutions in Ukraine and to identify the problems affecting the creation and use of financial instruments. Methods. To achieve this goal, the article uses a series of general scientific and specific research methods: dialectical, analytical, logical, observational and grouping. Results. Non-banking institutions are financial intermediaries that temporarily collect free funds from enterprises and individuals in order to provide financial services. It should be noted that non-banking institutions are distinguished from banking institutions by a narrow specialisation of the services offered. The main types of non-banking institutions are: investment companies and funds, leasing companies, factoring companies, brokerage and trading companies, insurance companies, pension funds, finance companies, pawnshops, credit companies and trust companies. The author identifies the problems that currently exist in domestic non-banking institutions. These include: inadequate regulatory framework, high level of corruption, lack of developed financial culture, lack of access to financial services and high level of risk. Conclusion. It is concluded that for the further development of the non-banking sector in Ukraine it is necessary to strengthen the relevance of regulation to the real economic situation, improve supervision and create favourable conditions for attracting investment and developing financial services of non-banking institutions. The prospects for the development of financial instruments of non-bank institutions in Ukraine are encouraging, as financial technologies are developing and the volume of financial services is growing despite the military situation.
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