financial stability, financial results, agricultural enterprises, agro-industrial production, factor analysisAbstract
Introduction. Planning the financial result of an agro-industrial production entity is an important component of managing its financial stability. This process involves analyzing the current state of finances, defining goals and strategies aimed at ensuring the profitability and sustainability of the enterprise. First, it is necessary to determine the key performance indicators of the agro-industrial enterprise, such as turnover of assets, profitability, liquidity, etc. Based on this analysis, it is possible to establish the basic level of financial results and determine the volumes and sources of income. Planning the financial result also includes the development of budgets for different periods (for example, annual, quarterly, monthly), where all income and expenses of the enterprise are considered. It is important to anticipate possible fluctuations in raw material prices, changes in market conditions and other risks that may affect the financial result. In order to achieve the financial stability of the subject of agro-industrial production, it is also necessary to develop strategies for reducing risks and optimizing costs. Purpose. The purpose of the article is to test the toolkit of factor and regression analysis when planning the financial result of an agro-industrial production entity in the management of its financial stability. Methods. The main method is the economic-mathematical and the method of factor analysis, which helped to identify directions and factors of influence on financial results. Results. The results of factor analysis and correlation-regression research affect the planning of the financial result of agricultural production in various directions. First, they help identify key factors that have a significant impact on the company's financial performance. This allows managers to focus on the most important aspects of management and effectively use available resources. Secondly, with the help of correlation-regression analysis, it is possible to establish relationships between various variables and predict possible financial results depending on changes in these factors. For example, if analysis shows that increased advertising spend leads to increased sales, this can be used to develop strategies to increase profitability. Conclusion. Factor and correlation-regression analysis are important tools for effective planning of the financial result of agricultural enterprises, helping to consider various factors and their interrelationships to achieve stability and success in modern economic conditions.
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