


infrastructure, information infrastructure, classification of information infrastructure, information infrastructure of the enterprise, types and forms of information infrastructure


The article analyzes the evolution of scientific opinion regarding the concept of information infrastructure. Introduction. It is established that the infrastructure is an environment that allows subjects to carry out their activities. It was found that the information infrastructure is an integral part of the infrastructure. Methods. Methods such as comparison, content analysis of secondary information, and generalization were used to solve the problems. It was found that scientists and practitioners have different understandings of the term information infrastructure, and it is appropriate to distinguish three approaches to the concept of information infrastructure itself. The first considers the term information infrastructure from the standpoint of interconnected information systems and resources. The information infrastructure consisted of connected and interacting systems of production, accumulation, preservation, and development of information products. The second considers the information infrastructure from the perspective of a complex of software and technical means. With this help, the organization of the interaction of information flows in the enterprise is ensured. The third considers the information infrastructure as a component, which consists of creating an innovative space with the help of social and technical tools. Thus, considering it as a component of innovative activity, which reflects all areas of modern economic life, It has been proven that the information infrastructure is a complex of innovative software, technical tools, and interacting production systems. Results. The opinions of scientists are summarized, and based on them, their own vision of the definition of the term "information infrastructure" is proposed. A vision of the classification of information infrastructure and the key elements included in it is offered. Conclusion. It was established that domestic and foreign scientists approached the definition of this term in different ways. According to the presented classification, the information infrastructure contains four branches, which are presented in the form of forms.


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How to Cite

Kalivoshko, O., & Khlystun, D. (2024). ESSENCE AND FUNDAMENTALS OF CLASSIFICATION OF INFORMATION INFRASTRUCTURE. Український економічний часопис, (5), 65–74.