


grants, AstraZeneca, breast cancer, grant program, grant funding, program opportunities


Introduction. According to the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, the number of new cases of breast cancer is constantly increasing. This is an important medical and social challenge for the country. The introduction of screening, early diagnosis, and innovative treatment methods would significantly improve the survival rate of patients with this disease. However, many women face limited access to modern diagnostic and treatment methods due to, for example, racial, ethnic, gender, sexual orientation, economic, cultural and/or linguistic discrimination. Currently, the Powering Breast Cancer Progress program, sponsored by AstraZeneca and supported by the Charities Aid Foundation (CAF), is relevant for a number of countries around the world and Ukraine in particular, and is dedicated to facilitating therapy. Objective. The purpose of the study is to reveal the grant opportunities of the AstraZeneca Powering Breast Cancer Progress Program for non-profit and charitable organizations in Ukraine that implement projects in the field of treatment and support of patients with this disease. Methods. In researching this topic, we referred to legal acts, tender documents of foundations and grant programs, as well as to publications of scientists. Methods used in the study: description, analysis, generalization, induction, deduction, explanation, classification, systemic and functional, etc. Results. It is noted that charitable and non-profit organizations officially registered in Ukraine that treat and help patients with breast cancer are eligible to receive a grant for project implementation. The article emphasizes that the program will support projects that focus on one of the following areas: raising awareness of breast cancer navigation for patients in hard-to-reach/underserved communities; overcoming specific barriers to patient navigation services (such as limited resources, inconsistent models/approaches, diverse community needs); strengthening health care system support for patient navigation services. Conclusion. The article provides a list of recommendations for applicant organizations on how to prepare a project proposal for participation in the program's grant competition. To summarize, the "Advancing Breast Cancer Care" grants for non-profit and charitable organizations that work in the field of treatment and support of patients with cancer can transform the treatment of this disease for underserved patient groups, which will ultimately improve treatment outcomes.


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Rebecca L Siegel, Kimberly D Miller, Ahmedin Jemal (2020) Cancer statistics, 2020. CA Cancer J Clin, Jan;70(1):7-30. Available at: (accessed April 27, 2024).

Transforming breast cancer care for underserved patient populations. AstraZeneca Websites. 18 April 2024, available at: (accessed April 25, 2024).

Raymond J Chan, Vivienne E Milch, Fiona Crawford-Williams and other (2023) Patient navigation across the cancer care continuum: An overview of systematic reviews and emerging literature. CA Cancer J Clin, Nov-Dec;73(6):565-589. Available at: (accessed April 22, 2024).

Yixiao Feng, Mia Spezia, Shifeng Huang and other Breast cancer development and progression: Risk factors, cancer stem cells, signaling pathways, genomics, and molecular pathogenesis. Genes Dis, 2018 Jun; 5(2): pp. 77–106. Available at: (accessed April 9, 2024).



How to Cite

Kobelia-Zvir, M., & Zvir, Y. (2024). GRANTS OF THE PROGRAM "PROMOTING PROGRESS IN THE TREATMENT OF BREAST CANCER". Український економічний часопис, (5), 75–78.