


small business, financial decisions, investment decisions, behavioral aspects, financial security


Introduction. The relevance of studying the behavioral aspects of small business financing in crisis conditions cannot be overestimated, because such conditions present entrepreneurs with many challenges and threats that can affect their financial decisions and strategies. During a crisis, small businesses face increased risk of bankruptcy, loss of profits and limited resources, so understanding the behavioral aspects can help entrepreneurs make more informed and effective decisions. Purpose. The purpose of the article is to identify the most common behavioral aspects of decision-making in the field of small business financial support in domestic practice. Methods. The main methods used in the research were methods of empirical research, structuring and generalization. Results. When making investment decisions in the field of small business financing, various behavioral aspects such as self-confidence, optimism, risk appetite and imitation play an important role in shaping strategies and results. Self-confidence can drive entrepreneurs to take big, risky decisions, especially if they believe in their abilities and the possibility of success. However, it can also lead to ignoring possible threats and disadvantages of investment decisions. Optimism can help create a positive attitude and belief in future success, which can be useful for motivation and business development. However, excessive optimism can lead to underestimation of risks and overestimation of potential benefits, which can affect the validity of investment decisions. Risk appetite can be both a positive and a negative factor in making investment decisions. Entrepreneurs with a high-risk appetite may be more prone to large investments and innovative projects, which can lead to great success if successful. However, it can also lead to large losses in case of failure. Imitation can be an important aspect of investment decisions, as many entrepreneurs rely on the experience and success of others to make their own decisions. However, this may lead to an insufficient assessment of the specific circumstances and needs of one's own enterprise. Conclusion. Therefore, investment decisions in the field of financing small business activities depend largely on internal psychological factors, such as self-confidence, optimism, risk appetite and imitation. Understanding these aspects allows entrepreneurs to make more informed and effective decisions, which contributes to the sustainability and success of their business in the long term.


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