


economic security, public administration, model of active economic security, European and Euro-Atlantic integration, hybrid threats, shadow economy


Introduction. The article actualizes, in accordance with the stated Purpose, the sphere of economic security, which should guarantee the basis for the dynamic framework of the system - economic development. Methods. The methodological and theoretical basis of the study were: generalization, dialectical, analysis and comparison, normative, etc. Results. Considers conceptual approaches to the definition of economic security, and the role that public administration plays within the framework of nine key components of economic security: production, demographic, energy, foreign economic, investment and innovation, macroeconomic, food, social and financial. The role and place of European and Euro-Atlantic integration in ensuring Ukraine's economic security are investigated. The authors identify several exposures in the economic aspect of hybrid influence, which can be applied in practice in the current global hybrid confrontation. They consider the shadow economy as one hand a threat to economic security and countering hybrid threats, and on the other hand, as a source of opportunities for restoring Ukraine's economic potential during and after active hostilities (in the context of the ongoing hybrid war). The article analyses the threats and negative consequences, advantages, and disadvantages of the shadow sector; and also examines three main areas of the shadow economy: the informal economy, criminal activity and fictitious activity, as the basis for hybrid threats that combine economic, criminal and political aspects. Conclusion. In this sphere, the State should have the tools to intervene in the economic process (to a limited extent - when necessary). For the legal regulation of national economic security, it is appropriate to use the model of active ensuring of economic security of the state, since this approach involves taking preventive measures and active state policy in the field of economy, including creating incentives for investment, innovation and development, thereby ensuring the sustainability of economic growth. On the other hand, given the need for a balance between private and public interests in society and the State, it is noted that non-State actors of economic interaction, as one of the objects of national economic security, should be protected from excessive public interference in their private activities.


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How to Cite

Bilokon, M., & Smahliuk, A. (2024). ECONOMIC SECURITY OF UKRAINE IN THE CONTEXT OF HYBRID THREATS. Український економічний часопис, (5), 118–124.