methods, techniques, management approaches, business processes, the real sector of the economy, digitization, digitalizationAbstract
Introduction. Issues related to the management of enterprises in the conditions of digitalization have recently become more and more relevant. The purpose of the article is to research modern methods of managing business processes and justify the feasibility of using a symbiosis of their advantages as a theoretical and methodological basis for the formation of an organizational and economic mechanism of adaptive management of business processes, in the context of the effective use of digital technologies. The theoretical basis of this scientific work consists of the best examples of business process management of enterprises in the real sector of the economy in the conditions of digitalization, which are covered in theoretical and practical works. Methods. To achieve the goal, the article uses methods of graphic interpretation of the results of analysis and generalization, methods of monographic analysis, synthesis. The results. It was determined that digitalization leads to rapid changes in the technological landscape, requiring enterprises in the real sector of the economy to constantly update strategies and management methods for effective use of new opportunities. It has been proven that with the help of digitization, enterprises gain access to a large amount of data, which requires the development of analytical abilities and the use of advanced data analysis methods for making strategic management decisions. It is noted that digitalization requires new skills and competencies from the company's management, including an understanding of digital technologies and their impact on business, which makes it urgent to improve management methods.All methods of business process management studied by the authors are divided into concepts aimed at improving the operation of the enterprise, those aimed at radical transformation of its activities, and intermediate ones. The positive and negative sides of methods of managing business processes of the enterprise in conditions of digitalization are systematized. It is proven that to achieve the goal of the research, it is advisable to apply a system-activity approach based on reflection, which will eliminate the shortcomings of the considered management methods and can be applied by many enterprises, regardless of the field of activity, complex and management system. Conclusions. It was concluded that the development of methods of managing business processes of enterprises in the real sector of the economy is aimed at achieving adaptability, integration, balance and active interaction with employees and the market environment.
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