


inclusive development, rural-urban agglomerations, socio-economic transformations, spatial governance, economic inclusion, social integration, environmental sustainability, institutional framework, digital transformation, territorial cohesion


Introduction. Rural-urban agglomerations represent a critical aspect of modern territorial development, especially in countries like Ukraine undergoing significant socio-economic transformations. These agglomerations combine urban and rural areas, creating unique challenges for inclusive development. The concept lacks legal definition in Ukraine, creating institutional uncertainty and necessitating research. Purpose. This study aims to outline priorities for inclusive development of rural-urban agglomerations in Ukraine, identifying key determinants influencing their formation and proposing strategies for sustainable growth. Methods. The research employs a systemic approach, combining comprehensive literature review with analysis and synthesis of findings. It analyzes domestic and international sources on rural-urban agglomerations and inclusive development, utilizing comparative analysis of various management approaches. The study incorporates institutional analysis to examine the regulatory framework in Ukraine. Synthesis of these methods allows for a holistic understanding of the complex interactions within agglomerations. Results. The study identifies several key priorities for inclusive development of rural-urban agglomerations: economic inclusion (ensuring balanced development across urban and rural areas, promoting economic diversification); digital transformation (implementing technologies to enhance access to information and services, particularly for vulnerable groups); social inclusion (developing initiatives for equal access to social services and infrastructure); inter-sectoral cooperation (fostering partnerships between public, private, and civil society sectors); institutional support (creating effective coordination mechanisms between administrative units); environmental sustainability (implementing measures to protect the environment and develop green infrastructure). The research also highlights the importance of human capital development, transport infrastructure improvement, and innovative governance approaches. Conclusion. Inclusive development of rural-urban agglomerations in Ukraine requires a multifaceted approach addressing economic, social, environmental, and institutional aspects. Their future development depends on adapting to challenges using innovative approaches. The study recommends further legislative definition of agglomerations, creation of pilot projects demonstrating effective inclusive development models, and continued research in this area. Implementing these priorities will contribute to creating sustainable agglomerations ensuring high quality of life in both urban and rural regions, harnessing their potential for inclusive regional development in Ukraine.


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How to Cite

Lopatynskyi, Y., Parasii, D., & Burynskyi, V. (2024). PRIORITIES OF INCLUSIVE DEVELOPMENT OF RURAL-URBAN AGGLOMERATIONS. Український економічний часопис, (6), 39–43.