



e-governance, digitalisation, transparency, digital infrastructure, public services


Introduction. The 21st century presents new challenges for public administration systems, both in Ukraine and globally. In response to these challenges, Ukraine started developing electronic governance in the state administration system, taking into account international experience. The purpose of this study is to reveal the theoretical and practical aspects of electronic governance implementation, considering the international and Ukrainian realities of public administration. Methods. The study uses a combination of general scientific methods, including a literature review, in-depth case studies, and special methods such as statistical analysis. Results. Electronic governance development in Ukraine has shown mixed progress, with both advancements and ongoing challenges. According to the United Nations E-Government Development Index (EGDI), Ukraine demonstrated significant progress in 2022 ranked 46th out of 193 countries, compared to 62nd in 2016. Reviewed the legal and practical aspects of e-governance implementation in Ukraine, focusing on the adoption of legislative acts, the digitalization of public services, and the enhancement of interactions in both online and offline formats. As of 2022, the network of Administrative Service Centers (CNAPs) in Ukraine has grown to approximately 3000 locations. Furthermore, the initial steps in establishing the foundations of e-democracy have been explored by legislative acts and laws. Conclusion. E-government should be considered an effective tool for the development of the public administration system in the digital era. Promising areas for further research on the development of e-governance in Ukraine include identifying key factors influencing the transformation of the institutional environment for effective management of e-governance development; achieving a balance between the information security of the state and its citizens and the request for open databases; analyzing successful cases of other countries regarding regulatory and legal regulation and effective mechanisms of public control over e-governance.


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How to Cite

Medvedenko, I. (2024). ELECTRONIC GOVERNANCE: INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE AND PROSPECTS FOR UKRAINE. Український економічний часопис, (6), 52–58. https://doi.org/10.32782/2786-8273/2024-6-9