


depreciation, fixed assets, depreciation of fixed assets, accounting, analysis


Introduction. Depreciation of fixed assets was and is one of the most difficult problems of accounting and analytical management of enterprise activities. Its versatility forms the prerequisites for both interdisciplinary research and discussions within the "accounting and taxation" specialty. The lack of unity among scientists and practitioners regarding the definition of the essence of depreciation of fixed assets actualizes the need for further understanding of this issue. Purpose. The purpose of the article is to understand the essence of depreciation of fixed assets as an object of accounting and analysis. Methods. When conducting the research, the following were used: the historical method – to study the origin, formation and development of the depreciation of fixed assets in chronological order; the method of comparison – for the analysis of interpretations of the term "depreciation" by modern scientists; method of generalization – for forming conclusions. Results. The emergence of the logic of depreciation of fixed assets in a historical perspective is considered. Historical information about the first use of the term "depreciation" is described. The key factor that stimulated the reflection of depreciation of fixed assets in accounting practice is described. The approaches of institutionalists and personalists to the understanding of depreciation are analyzed. The role of the Ukrainian accounting theorist O.P. Rudanovsky is revealed. in the formation on the basis of economic synthesis of a dual approach to the reflection of depreciation of fixed assets in accounting. Depreciation of fixed assets is considered through the prism of intellectual and eventual approaches. Conclusion. From the standpoint of an intellectual approach, the lack of unity of views of today's scientists on the interpretation of the essence of depreciation has been proven. In terms of the possible approach, it is possible to state the presence of unity in the understanding of depreciation of fixed assets to meet the goals of accounting and economic analysis in the domestic and international practice of accounting and analytical support for enterprise management.


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How to Cite

Myskin, Y., Kraevskyi, V., & Myskina, O. (2024). THE ESSENCE OF DEPRECIATION OF FIXED ASSETS AS AN OBJECT OF ACCOUNTING AND ANALYSIS. Український економічний часопис, (6), 69–73.