


digital economy, digital technologies, global connectivity index, global digital competitiveness ranking, economic development


Introduction. The problem of the formation and development of the digital economy is relevant due to the understanding of the crucial role of digital technologies in the formation of the country's strategic competitiveness. The issue of studying the state of development of the country's digital economy and the impact of digital technologies on economic growth is an important task focused on sustainable economic development.The purpose of the study. The aim of the study is to investigate the state of development of the digital economy of Ukraine, to identify the main problems and benefits of digitalisation for economic growth. Methods. The study is based on a general scientific methodology that involves a systematic approach to problem solving. The basis is the fundamental works of domestic and foreign scholars on the digital economy, as well as statistical information and data on the country's position in the ratings that show the level of implementation of digital technologies in the economy. Results. A review of the legal framework for the development of digitalisation in Ukraine and the availability of international support, which is important and will help accelerate the digitalisation of the economy, is carried out. Ukraine's partnership with international organisations is already important for the development of cooperation in the field of digitalisation and the exchange of experience. This is an important factor in the recovery of the national economy The country's position in the rankings of the Global Connectivity Index and the World Digital Competitiveness Index is studied, and a comparative table is compiled. Based on this study, it is concluded that the domestic digital economy lags far behind the world leaders. At the same time, there is a slow improvement in Ukraine's position in these rankings. Conclusion. The digital economy has a significant favourable impact on strengthening the country's position at the international level, ensuring sustainable development and increasing the level of competitiveness. Already, the share of revenues in the country's economy from the provision of digital services is growing, which will have a positive impact on the country's position in the leading. The paper highlights the problems that impede the full-fledged construction of the country's digital economy: the low degree of spread of digital technologies in education, the public sector and business, and the lack of infrastructure for promoting domestic developments to the global market. The article outlines promising areas for the development of the digital economy and advantages for strengthening positions in the global market.


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How to Cite

Popova, L. (2024). STUDY OF THE STATE OF DEVELOPMENT OF UKRAINE’S DIGITAL ECONOMY. Український економічний часопис, (6), 115–119.