


administration of intellectual capital, methods of administration, management activity, structural capital, consumer capital


Introduction The administration of intellectual capital plays an important role in ensuring the innovative development of an enterprise and increasing its competitiveness both in the domestic and international markets. Purpose. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the theoretical and methodological foundations of enterprise intellectual capital administration. Methods. In conducting scientific research, the results of which are reflected in this article, the methods of analysis, synthesis, generalisation, comparison, observation and scientific abstraction were used. Results. The author offers his own interpretation of the essence of the concept of "intellectual capital administration". The peculiarities of intellectual capital administration are allocated. The factors that influence the administration of intellectual capital at the enterprise level are determined. The key elements of the system and methods of intellectual capital administration are defined. The measures at the strategic and operational levels that ensure the administration of intellectual capital are substantiated. Recommendations for improving the efficiency of intellectual capital administration are formed. Conclusion. Among the areas of administration that can ensure the intellectualisation of the enterprise's capital, and which should be a priority in the administration of intellectual capital, in today's conditions, should be: acquisition of intellectual property objects and their use in the enterprise; improvement of the material base and increase in the amount of financing; stimulation of innovation activity in the enterprise; automation of resource-intensive processes; introduction of IT technologies; іmproving the organisational structure to ensure intensive knowledge exchange; reengineering business processes and HR policies; standardising intellectual capital administration processes; upgrading employees' skills to intellectualise capital; organising interaction, building and maintaining relationships with counterparties on an ongoing basis; developing its business reputation and brand.


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How to Cite

Saі L., & Poritskyi, Y. (2024). ADMINISTRATION OF THE COMPANY’S INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL. Український економічний часопис, (6), 128–131.