


foreign economic activity, cluster analysis, export, import, correlation analysis


Introduction. Application and analytical interpretation of the cluster analysis of foreign economic activity by region can be extremely useful for managing the foreign economic activity of an enterprise for many reasons. One key opportunity is to implement customized development strategies for different groups of regions based on their common and distinctive trade characteristics. Analysis of export-import indicators helps identify potentially promising markets for business expansion and determine the most profitable areas of cooperation. Also, it allows you to better understand the specifics of each market and to identify factors affecting trade relations. Based on the received data, it is possible to develop effective risk management and forecasting strategies to ensure the stability and success of the enterprise's foreign economic operations. Purpose. The purpose of the article is to carry out a cluster analysis of the foreign economic activity of Ukraine, to provide its analytical interpretation and directions of use at the level of the business entity in the management of the foreign economic activity of the enterprise. Methods. The key method of achieving the research goal was cluster analysis, which involved grouping, classification and determination of correlational dependencies. Results. The results of a cluster analysis of foreign economic activity by regions of Ukraine can serve as a basis for the development of various management solutions aimed at optimizing trade operations, expanding sales markets and finding new opportunities for business development. Among them: strategic planning of the development of economic zones; supply chain optimization; adaptation of marketing strategies; risk management; development of new sales markets. Conclusion. In the considered aspects of the analysis of foreign economic activity at the enterprise, significant possibilities of using various methods, in particular cluster analysis and correlation analysis of import-export volumes at the macro level, were revealed. These methods make it possible to identify key trends in the market, determine promising directions of development, as well as develop effective strategies for risk management and minimization. The results of the analysis can be used to make management decisions aimed at increasing the efficiency of foreign economic activity, ensuring competitiveness and achieving the company's strategic goals on the domestic and international market.


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