financial control, performance audit, financial audit, performance of powers, efficiency of use of fundsAbstract
Introduction. The problems of management activities of public administration entities in the field of financial security require an audit of the use of state budget funds aimed at financing their work. Purpose. The purpose of the article was to study the theoretical and practical foundations of auditing the effectiveness of public administration in ensuring the financial security of Ukraine. Methods. The author conducted an audit of the activities of central executive authorities on the following approaches: assessment of productivity, effectiveness and economy of the use of budget funds in the performance of financial security functions. For the audit, the Reports of the Accounting Chamber and the State Audit Service of Ukraine, Reports on the activities of public administration entities posted on their official websites, as well as information on the amount of state budget funds used to perform the managerial functions of authorized entities to ensure financial security according to the program and departmental classification of budget expenditures of Ukraine in 2022-2023 were used. Results. The results of the study demonstrate the existence of a number of reasons for the insufficient degree of effectiveness of public administration in ensuring financial security: poor-quality planning in calculating the amount of budget allocations and appointments to perform managerial functions; not timely, not effective management decision-making by authorities in ensuring financial security; improper organization of work for the reorganization of the customs service, resulting in inefficient spending of budget funds; prolongation of the terms of reorganization of customs, as a consequence of spending budget funds on the maintenance of management bodies that do not fulfill their own powers; insufficiently effective measures and management decisions of authorized subjects of management to ensure revenues to the state budget; The lack of validity of the processes of planning taxes and fees, duties to the state budget; lack of proper coordination in the work of authorized entities to fulfill the relevant powers of these services to ensure budget revenues. Conclusion. As a result of the audit of the effectiveness of public administration, it is recommended to use the tools of short and medium-term budget planning, strategic planning to increase the degree of effectiveness of the use of budget funds by authorized entities in the field of financial security.
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