



motivational mechanism, innovative development, transport enterprises, delegation, innovation, personnel


Introduction. The article addresses the critical challenges facing transport enterprises in a volatile market environment and the need for effective motivational mechanisms to foster innovative development. It explores how innovation has become an urgent necessity for maintaining competitiveness, particularly in the context of significant economic and operational disruptions. Purpose. The study aims to propose a comprehensive motivational mechanism for innovative development tailored to the specific needs of transport enterprises. This mechanism is designed to enhance innovation by creating a supportive organizational environment and aligning with strategic and tactical goals. Methods. The research employs a combination of literature review and practical analysis, focusing on existing motivational frameworks and their application in the transport sector. The study integrates theoretical insights with empirical data to develop a robust model for innovation-driven motivation. The graphical representation method is used for describing the model of motivation mechanism. Results. The proposed mechanism emphasizes the creation of a flexible motivational system that adapts to the dynamic external environment. Key findings highlight the importance of aligning motivational strategies with organizational goals, fostering employee engagement, and facilitating the implementation of innovative practices. The research also identifies critical metrics for assessing the effectiveness of the implemented innovations, ensuring continuous improvement and strategic alignment using continuous feedback from the employees and departments together with documenting newly created business processes to make sure that best practices stay in a company to bring the additional value to the services. Conclusions. The study concludes that the effective implementation of the motivational mechanism significantly enhances the innovative potential of transport enterprises. It underscores the necessity of monitoring and refining motivational strategies to respond to emerging challenges and opportunities. The proposed model provides a practical framework for transport companies to achieve sustained innovation and competitive advantage in a rapidly changing market landscape.


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How to Cite

Holoborodko, H. (2024). FEATURES OF THE FORMATION AND PRACTICAL IMPLEMENTATION OF THE MOTIVATIONAL MECHANISM OF INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT IN TRANSPORT ENTERPRISES. Український економічний часопис, (7), 26–33. https://doi.org/10.32782/2786-8273/2024-7-4