ukrainian education, war, digital transformation, brain drain, international integration, labor marketAbstract
Introduction. The article examines the challenges and opportunities facing the Ukrainian education system amidst the ongoing war and global competition. The conflict has heavily impacted education accessibility, quality, and stability, intensifying the pre-existing issues of personnel shortage and "brain drain." This crisis has, however, accelerated digital transformation and opened doors for international collaboration and integration into the global educational landscape. Particular attention is paid to the education of foreign students and their subsequent involvement in the labor market of Ukraine, the development of applied skills and the creation of conditions for the return of educational and scientific personnel. The proposed measures are aimed at increasing the competitiveness of Ukrainian education and ensuring sustainable economic development. Purpose. The purpose of this study is to outline effective strategies to overcome educational challenges in Ukraine. Methods. This research is based on a comprehensive literature review of recent studies on educational trends, policy frameworks, and empirical data on education under crisis conditions. Analytical approaches were applied to identify key obstacles and evaluate the potential of digital and collaborative solutions. Results. The study reveals that, while Ukraine’s education sector faces unique challenges, the digitalization of education, international partnerships, and investment in human capital provide substantial opportunities for growth. The war has accelerated the need for adaptable and inclusive education policies, increased public funding for digital tools, and an emphasis on fostering practical skills aligned with the demands of the global labor market. Conclusions. To ensure sustainable economic and educational growth, Ukraine should prioritize investments in education at the state level, create an inclusive learning environment for all citizens, and implement national educational standards in line with international levels. These efforts will strengthen Ukraine’s position in the global education arena, support long-term economic stability, and contribute to social development.
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