strategic goals, banking system, banks, security, state, martial lawAbstract
Purpose. The purpose of this study is to analyze the strategic goals of Ukrainian banks under martial law and develop recommendations for improving banking strategies, taking into account security aspects to ensure the financial stability of the country. Methods. In order to achieve the goal and solve the tasks of the research, dedicated to the strategic goals of Ukrainian banks under martial law and their security aspect, a comprehensive approach combining several methods was used: analytical method (to determine the requirements for the security strategy of banks under martial law); monographic (analysis of scientific works and publications in the field of banking activity and financial system security, which helped to study the experience of other countries in ensuring the stability of the banking system during crisis situations and to summarize existing research); the method of comparison (the strategic goals of banks in the conditions of normal operation were compared with the goals that appeared or changed in the conditions of martial law, which made it possible to determine key changes in the priorities of banks and approaches to risk management); statistical method (to assess the influence of the state of war on the key financial indicators of banks, the article presents statistical data, which made it possible to quantitatively assess the impact of military actions on the financial stability of the banking system). The mission of state banks during the period of martial law and post-war reconstruction is to actively support the financial stability of Ukraine, participate in the development of the banking sector and finance key industries. The article defines the main strategic goals of banks during martial law. Three leaders in the banking system are noted, which constantly hold leading positions among 67 functioning banks of Ukraine and play a significant role in the transformation of economic processes: Oschadbank; PrivatBank; Ukreximbank. It is argued that the current strategy of involving state banks in supporting financial security during the war and its restoration in the post-war period involves the active participation of banking institutions in ensuring the availability of services for consumers, in particular within the framework of social protection of the population. It is emphasized that a key aspect of the strategic organization of the work of state banks is also the development of professional skills for prompt and effective decision-making. It is concluded that the successful implementation of the banks' strategic goals not only contributes to short-term stabilization, but also creates a basis for the economic recovery of the state in the post-war period. Originality of the research lies in the in-depth analysis of the strategic goals of Ukrainian banks during the martial law with an emphasis on their role in ensuring the financial security of the state. The study highlights how public banks are adapting to today's challenges, maintaining the continuity of financial services, supporting critical sectors of the economy and implementing new standards of physical and cyber security.
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