leading countries of the global economy, top-10 states of the world economy, Group of Seven (G-7), nominal GDP, GDP based on PPP, GDP growth rate, GDP per capitaAbstract
Introduction. At the end of the twentieth century many scholars analyzed the development of the world economy and concluded that the leading actors in its growth are the United States, the EU and Japan, and that the countries of the Western civilization are the center of global progress. However, the system shifts in the global economy in the beginning of the twenty-first century, the global crisis and the introduction of the latest technologies under the influence of the Fourth Industrial Revolution resulted in the contradictory course of globalization and the formation of the new centers of economic power, new leaders in the world economy system. The goal of the paper is to analyze the selected key indicators (nominal Gross Domestic Product, Gross Domestic Product based on purchasing power parity, GDP growth rate, GDP per capita) of the leading countries in the context of the world economy transformation. Methods..To achieve the goal, general scientific and special research methods have been used, including those of experts’ assessments, as well as the comparative, statistical, graphic analysis, etc. The data for the analysis is taken from the official publications of the International Monetary Fund, the United Nations, the World Bank. Results. The research reveals that among the chosen leaders of the global economy only the following states increased their share of nominal GDP production in the world GDP during 2000-2023: 1) China (from 3.58% to 16.88%); 2) India (1.38 - 3.37); 3) Brazil (1.94 - 2.06). At the same time the following countries decreased their share of nominal GDP production in the world GDP during 2000-2023: 1) the United States (from 30.29% to 25.95%); 2) Germany (5.76 - 4.23); 3) Japan (14.68 - 4.0%); 4) the United Kingdom (4.92 - 3.17); 5) France (4.04 - 2.87); 6) Italy (3.39 - 2.14); 7) Canada (2.2 - 2.03). It is also underlined that in 2000 China ranked the first in terms of GDP growth rate (8.49%), Canada was the second (5.14), Brazil – the third (4.39) while the world GDP growth rate was 4.5%; however, in 2023 India ranks the first in this indicator (7.58%); second comes China (5.2); third - Brazil (2.91), while the growth rate of the world GDP in 2023 is only 2.7%. In terms of GDP per capita in 2023, the United States ranks the first among the top 10 countries (USD 82'715); Canada - the second (53607); Germany occupies the third place (53565); the United Kingdom - the fourth (USD 50400); France -the fifth (46305); Italy -the sixth (USD 39012); and Japan – the seventh (USD 33899). Conclusion. It is essential to take into account the balance of power in the global space, to analyze various combinations of relations between states and regional groups, as well as between the former and the latter together for the future sustainable development of all the countries involved.
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