national economy, innovative and informational changes, institutions, institutional support, strategic supportAbstract
Introduction. The need to ensure innovative and informational changes in the national economy is substantiated, taking into account their potentially important role for improving the functioning parameters of the national socio-economic system. It has been established that the issue of highlighting the content and interrelationships of the institutional component of such provision with its other components is insufficiently studied and requires more detailed consideration. Purpose. The article is devoted to highlighting the content of the institutional component, as well as identifying its interrelationships with other components of strategic support for innovative and informational changes. Methods. The research used methods of descriptive analysis and an abstract-logical method to determine the content and characteristics of institutional support, establish its connection with other components of support for innovative and informational changes. Results. The importance of institutional support for creating conditions for the activation of innovative and informational transformations in the economy has been established. An understanding of the strategic support of innovative and informational changes as a set of interconnected components, one of which is institutional support, is given. The purpose, tasks and expected results of institutional support for innovative and informational changes are highlighted. The components that have an influence on this component, or are subject to the influence of this component of strategic support, have been identified. The basis of institutional structures in the economy of Ukraine, which can be involved in the activation of both innovative and informational transformations, are elements of institutional support for innovative and informational changes, is considered. Conclusion. The relevance of the development of measures to improve the institutional support for innovative and informational changes, the proper state of which will allow to activate transformations in society, to use the opportunities created by these changes in the best way, is substantiated. It was established that such measures should be aimed at coordinating various components of strategic support for innovative and informational changes.
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