artificial intelligence, urban clusters, predictive models, sustainable development, data analysis, global environmentAbstract
The article examines the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in the formation and development of urban clusters within the global economic environment. This issue is significant given the need for effective management of urban processes, especially in developing countries, where rapid urban growth demands innovative approaches to planning and resource allocation. Purpose. The aim of the study is to identify the significance and potential of AI in the formation of urban clusters, with a focus on developing countries. The research seeks to explore ways of using AI to optimize urban management processes and promote sustainable development. Methods. The study employed general scientific methods, such as analysis, synthesis, modeling, and a systems approach. These methods support a comprehensive examination of the processes involved in urban cluster formation, taking into account multifactorial influences. Results. The findings indicate that urban cluster formation follows certain patterns that can be accurately assessed and monitored using AI. AI proves to be a valuable tool for detailed analysis and data collection, allowing consideration of multiple variables, including demographic trends, economic potential, infrastructure characteristics, and environmental conditions. Additionally, AI facilitates the development of predictive models for optimal planning and resource allocation. Conclusions. The study concludes that AI utilization in urban cluster formation enhances infrastructure efficiency, addresses environmental challenges, and optimizes the use of natural and financial resources. In developing countries in particular, AI supports effective resource planning and allocation, reducing costs and fostering sustainable urban development models that align with current needs and promote innovation and economic growth.
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