


accounting and analytical management support, enterprise value, modeling, accounting, analysis


Introduction. The article is devoted to the modeling of accounting and analytical support for enterprise value management. It is substantiated that for different stakeholders, models of accounting and analytical support for enterprise value management will be significantly different from each other. The need to formalize the generalized model for all stakeholders is substantiated. Purpose. The purpose of the article is to formalize the conceptual model of accounting and analytical support for enterprise value management. Methods. To achieve the goal, the following research methods were used: analysis, synthesis, logical generalization. Results. A detailed analysis of stakeholder requests for enterprise value assessment criteria revealed that: 1) for stakeholders who estimate the value of an enterprise based on financial results, an effective model of accounting and analytical support for enterprise value management will be absorption costing; 2) for stakeholders focused on the value of the enterprise, the model of accounting and analytical support for managing the value of the enterprise should be based on value-oriented management; 3) for a group of stakeholders who assess the value of the enterprise not through a financial measure, there are currently no formalized models for accounting and analytical support for managing the value of the enterprise. A conceptual model of accounting and analytical support for enterprise value management was developed and formalized, which takes into account the requests of all stakeholders. The proposed conceptual model makes it possible to develop a technology for automating the formalization of indicators for each of the blocks of the conceptual model of accounting and analytical support for enterprise value management based on modern ERP programs. Conclusion. A conceptual model of accounting and analytical support for enterprise value management is proposed, within which the logic of current models of accounting and analytical support for enterprise value management is formalized (absorption costing, direct costing, balanced system of indicators, value-oriented management). The practical value of the article is realized through the creation of scientific prerequisites for finding approaches to the formation and implementation of models of accounting and analytical support for value-oriented management.


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How to Cite

Myskin, Y., Romaniuk, A., & Deneshchuk, K. (2023). MODELING OF ACCOUNTING AND ANALYTICAL SUPPORT FOR ENTERPRISE VALUE MANAGEMENT. Український економічний часопис, (1), 34–37.