economic crisis, anti-crisis management, management strategies, preventive mechanisms, public administrationAbstract
Introduction. The article explores various theoretical approaches to the formulation of anti-crisis management strategies. Purpose. The primary objective of anti-crisis management is to create conditions for the sustainable functioning of enterprises in the market, regardless of economic, political, and social transformations within the country. It involves developing strategic alternatives based on forecasting and predicting the situation, avoiding financial problems, and overcoming the threat of bankruptcy with minimal losses, as well as implementing innovative changes in operations. Results. There are several approaches to defining the concept of "anti-crisis management," including preventive mechanisms, innovative crisis resolution options, restoring solvency and financial stability, and managing industrial relations at the enterprise level. The specific goal pursued through this type of management depends on how the concept is interpreted. It could involve restoring the financial balance of the enterprise, equalizing disparities in internal and external parameters, ensuring financial stabilization and the continued existence of the enterprise, or preserving its viability. The functions of anti-crisis management are determined by its intended purpose and typically involve planning strategies and programs, organizing an optimal structure, motivating personnel, and monitoring timely changes. To successfully implement this type of management, it is essential to adhere to certain principles, such as early diagnosis, timely response, adequate response measures, and full utilization of internal capabilities. Conclusion. Regardless of the specific type and methods of anti-crisis management, its implementation generally encompasses four key areas: crisis diagnosis, crisis management methodology, crisis forecasting, and socio-economic considerations. State management plays a significant role in anti-crisis management, as it involves creating a system of interaction between the government and the market economy aimed at overcoming macro- and microeconomic crises. This is achieved through regulatory and legislative measures, financial regulation, industrial policies, and income redistribution.
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