


forensic economic expertise, losses, costs, lost profit, classification


The article is devoted to the problem of studying the tasks of forensic economic examination in terms of assessing damages caused by loss, destruction and damage to property of state, municipal and private ownership in the course of military aggression. The purpose of the publication is to deepen the term "damages" in the context of modernisation of methodological approaches to forensic research in criminal proceedings for compensation for damage caused by the armed aggression of the Russian Federation. The use of the functional capabilities of the comparative legal method facilitated a comparative analysis of the interpretation of the concept of damages, and on this basis their common features and differences were identified. Methodology. The formal logical method was applied to summarise the approaches to the legal and economic nature and manifestations of the category of damages. The systemic-structural method allowed to improve the classification of the concept of damages in the course of forensic research, as well as to detail the characteristics of their types. Results. The paper analyses the scientific views on the interpretation of the term "damages" as a task of forensic economic examination. The study characterises the essence of the concept of "damages" and its components in the context of legal and economic sciences. The paper examines the common and distinctive features of such interpretations in the areas of definition and measurement of damages, establishment of goals and grounds for their calculation, time measurement, compensatory nature and prevention of damages in the future. With the help of the classification of the concept of damages, the article provides a comparative description of the main classification features in legal science (by the result of manifestation, by the nature of the causation of damages, by their correspondence to the actions which result in damages, by the form of compensation, by the subjects of liability) and economic science (by the nature of damages, by the nature of causation, by the period of occurrence, by the type of economic activity). Conclusion. It is revealed that there is a coherent connection between the interpretations of the essence of damages by the scientific approaches of legal and economic schools and it is proposed to define the concept of damages on the basis of common approaches through the assessment of its elements: costs of destruction or damage, costs of restoration of the violated right, and lost profits.


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How to Cite

Ivankov, V. (2024). CLASSIFICATION COHERENCE OF THE CONCEPT "LOSS". Український економічний часопис, (3), 48–52.