


investment real estate, accounting, International Accounting Standards, initial recognition, valuation, disposal


Introduction. Accounting for investment real estate in the context of applying international standards is an important aspect for financial reporting and asset management of companies. International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and their counterparts dictate the rules and procedures that businesses must follow when accounting for investment properties to ensure the accuracy, reliability and comparability of financial information. Businesses must reflect investment real estate in financial statements according to standards that correspond to their legal environment. Generally, investment property is accounted for at cost or fair value, depending on the method chosen. Application of IFRS requires recognition of investment property in financial statements if its value can be reliably measured and future economic benefits from it are possible. In addition, according to international standards, companies must periodically revalue investment property at fair value and reflect any changes in its value in the financial statements. This provides an adequate reflection of the market value of assets and allows monitoring their current value. Purpose. The purpose of the article is to systematize the provisions of international standards regarding the initial recognition, assessment and disposal of investment real estate in domestic accounting practice. Methods. To achieve the goal, the method of critical evaluations, grouping and generalization was applied. Results. In the context of the application of international investment real estate accounting standards, the following conclusions can be drawn: first, international financial reporting standards (IFRS) establish unified rules and principles of investment real estate accounting for enterprises around the world. This contributes to the creation of standardized and comparative financial statements, which facilitates the analysis and assessment of the financial condition of enterprises. The second important thesis is that the application of IFRS requires an objective assessment of the value of investment real estate. According to these standards, investment property can be recognized at cost or at fair value, depending on the chosen method and the characteristics of the asset. Conclusion Application of international standards allows enterprises to periodically revalue investment real estate at fair value. This allows you to take into account changes in the market price of real estate and provides a more accurate reflection of its value in financial statements. An important aspect is also the fact that high accounting standards for investment real estate help to ensure the transparency and reliability of financial reporting of enterprises. This is important for stakeholders such as investors, lenders and regulators who use financial information to make decisions.


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