quality, management, technological process, marketing communications, hotel, restaurant, complex, guestAbstract
Introduction. Improving the quality of management of technological processes of marketing communications in the hotel and restaurant complex is a key factor for ensuring effective interaction with customers and increasing competitiveness in the market. It is important to use modern technologies and tools to make marketing communications more accurate, personalized and interactive. Providing a consistent customer experience across multiple communication channels is an important aspect of modern marketing. An omnichannel strategy allows customers to interact with the brand through various platforms (website, mobile application, social networks) without losing the quality of service. Purpose. Analyze the algorithm for improving the quality of management of technological processes of marketing communications in the hotel-restaurant complex. Methods of logical, systematic and complex approaches were used to form a marketing communication strategy and increase its effectiveness. In the research process, the methods of economic and statistical analysis were applied, in particular: analysis and synthesis; comparison; series of dynamics; economic and mathematical. Results. Recommendations have been developed to improve the management of marketing communications of the Mashivskyi Bir eco-complex, namely, the implementation of the QR code system, and facilitating the work of waiters with the help of restaurant automation by implementing an iPad, which will increase the efficiency of service, improve the accuracy of orders, reduce waiting time and optimize the overall work of waiters. To improve the operation of the Maishvsky Bir eco-complex, it was proposed to implement an iPad to facilitate the work of waiters, with the aim of increasing the efficiency of service, improving the accuracy of orders, reducing waiting time and optimizing the general work of waiters. Advantages of using an iPad in the "Mashivskyi Bir" eco-complex: improvement of service speed (waiters can quickly take orders and transfer them to the kitchen);reduction of errors (digital format reduces the probability of errors when ordering); optimization of work (the system automatically monitors the availability of dishes, ingredients, etc.); interactive capabilities (clients can view menus with photos and descriptions of dishes); implement an iPad and a QR code to improve the operation of the establishment, speed up the acceptance of orders, reduce errors, and optimize the operation of the restaurant. Conclusion.The following marketing communications are proposed for the "Mashivsky Bir" eco-complex: 1. Outdoor advertising on the "Kovel-Yagodin" highway; 2. Advertising on the radio; 3. Advertising on transport; 4. Business cards of the institution; 5. Use of direct marketing; 6. Activation of social media marketing of the "Mashivskyi Bir" eco-complex. The total amount of costs for the implementation of the proposed marketing communications of the "Mashivskyi Bir" eco-complex will amount to UAH 244.3 thousand, of which a large share is the cost of external advertising on the route. Kovel-Yagodin". The conducted forecasting made it possible to establish that the proposed measures to improve the marketing communications of the "Mashivskyi Bir" eco-complex are effective and profitable.
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