



state management, demographic security, demographic processes, international experience, opportunities to enhance demographic security level


The purpose of this study is to characterize the possibilities of considering and using the experience of leading countries in enhancing the effectiveness of state management of demographic security. Introduction. A key task is to identify the main principles that can be useful in the application within Ukraine. Methods. It has been established that studying the experiences of various countries, such as Spain and Portugal, is key to developing effective policies. It is determined that strategies involving the management of an aging population, increasing birth rates, and the integration of migrants ensure demographic security and respond to problems of large-scale migration, changes in family structure, and economic shifts. It is generalized that cultural contexts significantly influence the success or failure of demographic strategies. Results. It is proven that the management of demographic processes in Spain includes the coordination of economic, social, and political aspects to address challenges related to the aging population and migration. It has been established that initiatives to support families and encourage childbirth, although not fully resolving the problem of low birth rates, have supported aspects of demographic security. It is determined that a decentralized approach to management allows for the adaptation of strategies to regional characteristics, facilitating more effective policy implementation. Conclusion. It is generalized that Portugal's experience in ensuring demographic security includes the active use of migration policy to rejuvenate the population and combat aging. It is proven that a combination of national and local initiatives in the integration of migrants and support of family policy strengthens demographic stability. It has been established that regular adaptation to changing conditions is necessary to maintain effective demographic management. It is determined that the experience of these countries can serve as an important lesson for other nations, including Ukraine, in addressing similar demographic challenges. Examining these technological innovations can provide valuable lessons for the use of technology for demographic management.


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How to Cite

Khvalibota, R. (2024). UTILIZING THE EXPERIENCE OF LEADING COUNTRIES IN IMPROVING THE STATE MANAGEMENT OF DEMOGRAPHIC SECURITY IN UKRAINE. Український економічний часопис, (6), 174–177. https://doi.org/10.32782/2786-8273/2024-6-28