


ecologization, hotel business, eco-innovation, eco-certification, sustainable development


Introduction. The modern hotel business has a significant impact on the environment, consuming large amounts of energy and water and generating a significant amount of waste. This leads to environmental problems, especially in tourist areas, where demand for hospitality services is growing every year. This situation reinforces the need for greening the hotel industry, which includes the introduction of sustainable development principles, reducing the negative impact on nature and promoting environmentally conscious solutions in hotel operations. Purpose. The main purpose of this study is to analyze the peculiarities of greening the hotel business, in particular, the introduction of environmental practices and standards that minimize the negative impact of hotels on the environment, as well as to determine the role of certification of hotel facilities in increasing environmental responsibility as an important component of a sustainable development strategy in the hospitality industry. Methods. The research is based on the methods of analysis and synthesis of literature sources, including data obtained from international environmental certification systems and studies on the environmental impact of the hotel business. To assess the effectiveness of environmental practices in the hotel industry, a comparative analysis was used to identify key trends and best practices in this area. In addition, statistics on resource consumption and waste generation in hotels with different levels of environmental friendliness were analyzed. Results. The analysis showed that eco-friendly hotels are characterized by reduced energy and water consumption, reduced waste, and the introduction of renewable energy sources. The use of water-saving technologies, recycling of materials and minimization of the use of disposable items can significantly reduce the environmental impact. However, the implementation of these technologies requires significant investments. In addition, environmental certification provides benefits in the form of a reputation as a responsible business, attracting eco-conscious customers, and increasing competitiveness. However, if a hotel does not comply with the certification requirements, this can negatively affect its image. Conclusions. The findings of the study show that greening the hotel business is a prerequisite for reducing the negative impact on nature and ensuring sustainable development. Eco-hotels gain competitive advantages and attract new customers due to their environmental responsibility. It is advisable to implement environmental practices and eco-certification standards, such as Green Globe, LEED and Green Key, which will help integrate environmental initiatives into the hotel business and create a positive image among guests.


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How to Cite

Novak, U. (2024). ECOLOGIZATION OF THE HOTEL BUSINESS: FEATURES OF CURRENT TRENDS. Український економічний часопис, (7), 57–64.