strategic analysis, agrarian export, agro-food products, grains, marketing, strategy, agricultureAbstract
The agricultural sector of the economy of Ukraine produces significant volumes of agricultural products, making a significant contribution to filling the global agro-food market. It forms more than a quarter of GDP, provides employment for the population, and the high level of specialization and concentration of agricultural production makes it possible to develop exports. The main goals of the current eхport strategy of Ukraine are: increasing the competitiveness of products and expanding the product range of exports; diversification of sales markets, support and development of existing markets; promotion of domestic brands and information and analytical support of agricultural exports. Achieving these goals is possible on the basis of marketing support for the implementation of export strategies, as well as state support for agricultural exports. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the marketing principles of the strategy of the development of agricultural exports of Ukraine. The issues of developing an export strategy on the basis of marketing, using statistical methods and determining trends, which will enable the enterprise to forecast and reduce the risks of foreign economic and logistics activities, are considered. At the same time, general scientific and special methods of system-structural analysis were used to clarify the directions of export development, strategic management tools for the formation stages of strategy selection. The article examines scientific approaches to the formation of marketing strategies and their role in the development of the export of agro-food products. The article analyzes the dynamics of export of Ukrainian agricultural sector products and substantiates the prospects for its further development. The basis of analytical calculations was the data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, market expert companies and international organizations up to the 24/25 marketing year. Trends in the export of agro-food products during the martial law period are systematized according to the data of experts and analytical platforms. Three main stages of building a successful export strategy of an agrarian sector enterprise on the basis of marketing are identified: research of foreign markets (preparatory); choosing an export strategy model; justification of the marketing strategy, including the choice of the target market, positioning, promotion strategy, price and sales strategy. The strategic directions of increasing Ukraine's agricultural exports to strengthen Ukraine's position on foreign markets during the period of martial law and post-war recovery are substantiated.
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