


Kievan Rus, Hakan, state system, empire, people, Byzantine Empire.


The article deals with the question of the forms of state structure of Kievan Rus during the formation of its statehood. Particular attention is paid to the study of the way of life of the Rus, their religious traditions, as well as the process of conquering foreign lands, colonization and other forms of expansion, which influenced the formation of the state system of Kievan Rus. The arguments for confirming the existence of the empire in the Kievan Rus are found to be quite significant and cannot be ignored. Russ expanded its territories at the expense of conquests. Any manifestation of tribal unions detached from Kievan Rus was strictly punished. Enthusiastic tribal unions were used to enrich the Russ themselves by taking tribute from them and selling it in foreign markets. The right of Russ acted first and foremost in their interests. In the pagan period of Russ, discrimination was committed by the Slavic Russ, which was expressed in their exploitation for their own purposes. It was established that the Russ were a nomadic way of life and were traffickers-robbers. Directions of the pitch were closely related to the collection of tribute and sales transactions for its implementation. The Russ were also closely tied to eating. The reasoned assumption is made that the way of life and, possibly, religious traditions encourage Russ to create an empire, since independently without subjugated tribes and resources derived from them, they could not exist without significant changes in their society.


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