


hereditary law, subjects of the inheritance, successor, additional subjects, interested subjects.


Legal regulation of hereditary relations concerns the interests of any citizen as a potential heir and decedent. The state should create a system of civil remedies that would guarantee to every individual the right to freely dispose of his property in case of death and the right to freely acquire or renounce the inheritance. The article is devoted to the clarification of the legal status of subjects of inheritance law. In addition, the article justifies the need to provide the right of free will only to an adult, since the state of physical, psychological, social development of a person depends on age. The article proposes to expand the circle of subjects of inheritance law and its composition should include: heirs, recipients, lenders and debtors of the testator, successors. On the basis of analysis of forms of protection of the rights of subjects of inheritance law, it is proposed to strengthen judicial guarantees of the realization of these rights. The rights and obligations of the subjects of the inheritance are analyzed. The ways of improving the legal and regulatory framework for the settlement of these rights and obligations of the subjects of the inheritance are proposed. In studying the questions in the work, the following general scientific methods were used: analysis (for understanding the essence of the system of subjects of inheritance law), synthesis and deduction (for the first time the relationship between the development of legal regulation of subjective rights of subjects of hereditary legal relations and current economic conditions of development society), abstraction (separation of essential information from the insignificant), and the method of generalization, for the help S which made general conclusions. Materials and article development can be used by notaries in their work.


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