law enforcement bodies, law enforcement function, function, function of law enforcement bodies, state.Abstract
The development of independent Ukraine is accompany by reforms in the branches and spheres of public administration, while the introduction of new and improved administrative tools, one of which is the means of interaction between public administration bodies for more efficient and qualitative fulfillment of tasks and functions entrusted to them by the state. The interaction of the National Guard of Ukraine with law enforcement agencies and the Armed Forces of Ukraine basing on the implementation of system mechanisms. The purpose of this article is to provide a general characterization of the legislative regulation of the interaction of the National Guard of Ukraine with law enforcement agencies and the Armed Forces of Ukraine. It is determined that the interaction of the National Guard of Ukraine with the law enforcement agencies and the Armed Forces of Ukraine is regulated by a large number of normative legal acts that can be grouped as follows: I. fundamental acts of regulatory legal regulation of the interaction of the National Guard of Ukraine with law enforcement agencies and the Armed Forces of Ukraine; II. specialized acts regulating the interaction of the National Guard of Ukraine with the law enforcement agencies and the Armed Forces of Ukraine. They should include acts regulating issues of mutual relations arising based on the interaction of the National Guard of Ukraine, law enforcement agencies and the Armed Forces of Ukraine with regard to the implementation of certain tasks; ІІІ. the derivative acts of the regulatory legal regulation of the interaction of the National Guard of Ukraine with the law enforcement agencies and the Armed Forces of Ukraine extend to those who are in the sphere of their jurisdiction. That is, they are in the system of administrative, service and disciplinary subordination only of the data subjects, these acts may acquire a general, interagency value. Summarizing the above, we believe that under the mechanism of interaction of the National Guard of Ukraine with law enforcement authorities and the Armed Forces of Ukraine should be understood as a set of organizational and legal and material and technical resources, states and processes, of which the National Guard coordinates, coordinates and coordinates in time and space.
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