


legal support of education financing, budgetary financing of education, normative and legal base of financing of educational establishments, financial resources, additional sources of education funding, budget investments, budgetary loans, budget financing, state transfers.


The article is devoted to the important topic of education financing in Ukraine that is relevant at the present stage of the development of our country. Taking into account the fact that one of the conditions for the effective development of education in Ukraine is its proper financial support, we believe that improving the legal environment of the financing mechanism of education is one of the priority directions of the state’s activity. It is the creation of a proper level of education that will promote further development of the state and determine its place on the international arena. The purpose of the article is to consider the problems of legal environment of budget financing of education in Ukraine and to make suggestions on how to solve them. The article analyzes the legislation which today provides funding for education. As a result of this analysis, we can argue that the regulatory framework for financing educational institutions is rampant. However, there are a number of problems that need to be addressed. Also, it is necessary not only to look for additional sources of financing education, but also to develop effective legal regulation of the process of formation, distribution and use of available financial resources of educational institutions. As a result of our research, we can conclude that, despite the large number of normative legal acts, the level of funding for education in Ukraine is unsatisfactory and there are a number of problems that need to be addressed. Therefore, it is worthwhile to focus on solving these problems as education is one of the main factors in the formation and development of the state Today, the legal provision of financing for education in Ukraine needs to be improved. We propose the following ways to improve the legal provision of financing education in Ukraine: 1) to develop and implement more detailed regulation of the procedure for financing educational institutions; 2) ensure the gradual and phased introduction of changes to the norms of the current legislation, with the preliminary testing of such changes in order to effectively use it; 3) implement the provisions of the legislation on the financing of education in practice through rational allocation and effective use of budget financing; 4) to create the proper conditions for the prevention and elimination of the corruption component, namely to pay attention to the increase of wages of education workers; 5) to ensure the development of measures to improve the financing of education and the allocation of funds for the introduction of qualitative changes in education. In our opinion, this will ensure the settlement of the issue of eliminating the problems of legal environment of budget financing of education in Ukraine and will improve the financing of educational institutions.


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